For the Vines

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Victoria S.
- 4/22/2015 5:43pm

uuuuuuuugh. end-of-term papers are gonna literally KILL me. not like that can happen, my parents will just have me brought back to life again. nbd, but the necromancer we go to is suuuuuuuuper creepy.
jade's been going to classes worth me, but she's been exempted from homework for obvious reasons, which is sooooooo unfair!!! while i'm slaving away at this dumb time travel report, she just SITS there basking in sunlight and she's all like "victoria, can i have a spot of wohtah?" (that's me imitating her dumb english accent) and i'm like "uuuuugh i JUST watered you" and she just crosses her arms- leaves? idek anymore - and then i'll just be like "FINE NOW SHUT UP AND LET ME WORK!!!!!!"

anyone who reads this, im BEGGING you!!!! please take care of jade for me. she's super sweet, really nice, and such a great help when it comes to memorizing the names of great mad scientists and engineers. i really don't want to have to let her go, but this is just. too. much. ive got a crate full of entrails and organs for her - only once every two weeks - and i'll also provide you with a watering can and some fertilizer. my family is pretty rich, which means i'm pretty rich, which means A LOT OF MONEY, PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
i love jade so much, i really do, so i want to find someone who can take care of her for me. contact me in room 1025 in the bromley dorms.

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Victoria S.
- 4/22/2015 5:29pm

uuuuuuuugh. end-of-term papers are gonna literally KILL me. not like that can happen, my parents will just have me brought back to life again. nbd, but the necromancer we go to is suuuuuuuuper creepy.
jade's been going to classes worth me, but she's been exempted from homework for obvious reasons, which is sooooooo unfair!!! while i'm slaving away at this dumb time travel report, she just SITS there basking in sunlight and she's all like "victoria, can i have a spot of wohtah?" (that's me imitating her dumb english accent) and i'm like "uuuuugh i JUST watered you" and she just crosses her arms- leaves? idek anymore - and then i'll just be like "FINE NOW SHUT UP AND LET ME WORK!!!!!!"

anyone who reads this, im BEGGING you!!!! please take care of jade for me. she's super sweet, really nice, and such a great help when it comes to memorizing the names of great mad scientists and engineers. i really don't want to have to let her go, but this is just. too. much. ive got a crate full of entrails and organs for her - only once every two weeks - and i'll also provide you with a watering can and some fertilizer. my family is pretty rich, which means i'm pretty rich, which means A LOT OF MONEY, PEOPLE!!!!!!!!
i love jade so much, i really do, so i want to find someone who can take care of her for me. contact me in room 1025 in the bromley dorms.

Victoria S.
- 4/2/2015 7:55am

sooooo. i'm like, SO over my roomie and her stupid, dumb experiment! i TOLD her! i was all like, "heeeeey, dontcha think that plant's just a lil bit dangerous?" and she's all like "nah, everything's tooooootally fine." ugh. gag me with a spoon! and you know what? i was right! that dumb plant like, did some hoodoo voodoo with her soul and now she's STUCK in the plant! or something. we think the plant might have taken her body but i don't really care at all about scientia. totes lame.
besides, she's gotten SO annoying lately!!! arnold, you know, the hottie w/ a body who sits next to me in hieroglyphics? yeah, he came to our room so we could study for our test on monday!! and he started flirting with me, and i flirted back, and then suddenly i hear giggling from the back of the room.
"what was that?" he said in his totally entrancing voice.
"i don't know..." i lied, fluttering my eyelashes at him. i glared at @Jade for a second, then i went back to wooing my study buddy.
so an hour or so went by, right, and then on the way out, he KISSES me on the cheek!!!! aaaaaaah!!! and then jade starts giggling again, and arnold looks at me funny and hes like "wheres your roommate" and i'm like "oh shoot" because i thought he would get so freaked out and i was praying that jade would keep her planty mouth shut, but noooooooooooooo.
"i'm right here!" she said in her stupid pretentious british accent.
i swear to god, if she wasnt my roomie i would sooooo use my pruning shears on that beeyotch.
"what happened?" he asked. his baby blue eyes were so full of concern, my heart skipped a beat just looking into them.
"long story." she answered. "remember seymour?" ugh, can you believe she NAMED the plant??? i gave her little shop of horrors because i thought she would be scared and stop the experiment... but that backfired.
"yeah, vic told me about your extra credit project." he said. he used a nickname for me!!!! so cute!!!
"i don;t know how, but seymour managed to do something very odd which caused me to turn into-"
"-a plant?" arnold finished.
if a plant could nod, that's what jade was doing.
"and i think he might have my body!"
he was super confused. he looks so hot when he's thinking, he bites his lip and he furrows his brow and i melt a little inside.
"so what you're telling me is that somewhere on campus, there's a carnivorous plant waltzing around in your body?"
"that's the most plausible hypothesis." she answered.
then he turned back to me and gazed into my eyes.
"vic, same time tomorrow?" he smiled at me with his perfect teeth. i nodded at him. he kissed me again, said bye to jade and me, then left.
oh, that reminds me. @Todd Hemply, we have your record collection. i don't know how we got it or why it's here, but feel free to come downstairs to our dorm to get it!!!
i think that's all for now. we're still waiting for dean hammer to approve our request for jade the plant to tag along with me to class and stuff. but i really don't want to do that!!! i've posted flyers around the school because i want someone else to take care of jade for me. hopefully someone responds.
jade has started to practice using her vines to type, although she's not really that good at it. she assures me she can do it, but i'm not so sure.
like, i just wish we could track down that dumb plant and get jade back to normal so my life can be as normal as normal can be when it comes to being psychic.
ttyl-- v sears <3

- 3/31/2015 8:30am

*A flyer posted in various places around the campus.*
Must have:
-A basic knowledge of botanical caretaking
-A lot of patience
-Access to human organs (plant food, only every 2 weeks)
-Extensive knowledge of any field of science is a plus (she loves to talk)

- 3/29/2015 7:43pm

*the sound of a potted plant being set down next to the microphone.*
Thank you, Victoria.
Dear Journal,
The strangest thing happened last night. I dreamt I was in a field, and my hair was blowing in the wind, and it was silent. And then Seymour started singing, and I walked towards him. Then, and when I reached out to touch him, and then there was a bright white glow and I felt a surge of pain throughout my body and I screamed so hard...
When I woke up, I wasn't in my bed. Victoria was panicking because my bed was empty and she couldn't find me anywhere. I knew exactly where I was, but I couldn't stand up, or even move my legs, on that note. I waved my arms and I yelled, "VICTORIA! I'M RIGHT HERE!"
And then she turned to me and she picked me up and she shook me back and forth so hard, journal... and she shrieked at me, and do you know what she said? She said,
"SEYMOUR! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY ROOMMATE?" And then I turned to the mirror and I screamed so loud...
*a pause*
Victoria, could you water me? I'm feeling bloody thirsty.
*the sound of water being poured*
Thank you.
I don't know what happened, or how it happened, journal, but I'm... a plant.
I can talk, you can hear me, Victoria can hear me. I can move my vines around like this--
*the sound of vines shifting across the room*
But obviously, I can't walk on my own. Victoria plans to take me to Dean Hammer's office and tell him about my unfortunate... situation.
If all goes to plan, Victoria and I will share a schedule, so she will carry me to my classes and I will use her notes to study. I plan to try my best to learn how to write with these vines; but in the meantime I shall rely on my roommate.
*a long sigh*
I suppose the grand experiment of Seymour the plant has come to an end, but every cloud has its silver lining. I am my latest experiment! I will record how I eat, sleep, et cetera. My ultimate goal is to find out what happened to my real body, and get it back. At the least, I intend to find a sufficient substitute.
Journal, neither you nor I could have ever imagined this is the way things would have turned out.
I hope I can become Psy High's first botanical student, and I hope I can get my real body back by the end of the school year.
Jade St. Sinclair.
*a pause*
Victoria! Would you be so kind as to put me back on my nightstand?
*the sound of a potted plant being moved*
Thank you.
*the microphone turns off*

- 3/26/2015 9:32am

Is the bloody mic on? *the sound of microphone static* Argh! *the sound of three sharp beeps.*
There we go.
Dear journal,
I'm frightened. I'm so scared, journal, I'm- I-
*a pause*
It's Seymour. He talks to me in my dreams, he lurks and he watches me from his little pot on my nightstand. He just whispers to me, and I wake up and he's staring at me...
Journal, I can't fall asleep and I can't stay awake! His voice- he talks in clicks and whispers, and he sings siren songs- and ARGGGGH!
*the sound of Miss St. Sinclair tossing a book at the wall.*
Excuse me.
Dr. Woffordshire is reading over my data charts as we speak. And I can't stand it, this-- this anticipation!! That's it, I say! As soon as Dr. W returns my data and gives my my extra credit, I'm getting rid of this bloody godforsaken plant. It breaks my heart, it truly does, but if I am to retain my sanity, Seymour must go!
*the sound of Miss St. Sinclair sniffling*
Blast it. Blast it all. Damn it, damn ME for being so bloody stupid! Damn me for ignoring Victoria and @Maryann Tulip and -
*the sound of Miss St. Sinclair breaking down into tears.*
I wonder if he can hear me, Journal. Can he hear us? Does he know what I'm telling you?
Journal, what have I done?
*sound of the microphone turning off.*

- 3/23/2015 6:18am

Dear Journal,
*the sound of microphone static*
Oh, perfect. My new voice-recording automatic journal writing program is working!
*the sound of Miss St. Sinclair clapping her hands together in delight.*
Sorry for the lack of entries in recent days. I had turned my attention from Seymour to growing some invisible catnip for @Anton LaFlame and his friends, who made a heroic journey to find the rightful homes for the invisible cats. I also feel a well of loss in my heart for @Lucia Spectre, who disappeared during the journey. I do hope she is safe and healthy in whatever dimension she ended up in.
*the sound of Victoria sighing and slamming the door.*
Oh, bye, Victoria! See you at curfew!
Anyway. Seymour is now approximately the same size as a large cello! Oh, he's growing up so quickly. His vines sprawl around the floor, wall, and up the ceiling. I wonder if Seymour can get to other rooms now... I am getting off topic, dear me! Seymour lives happily on a diet of plant food with the occasional human organ pilfered from Human Sacrifice and Mummification 101. Eurgh, it smells absolutely *repulsive* down there. I shudder to think about it. Blegh.
*the sound of silence*
Sometimes, Seymour likes to wrap his tendril-like viney arms around my waist- and oh, he's doing it now- rather tightly, mind you- I think he's trying to hug me? Seymour, stop that. It's a tad too tight for my liking. Seymour-- stop that-- damn it, I'm bloody serious, let me go, it's too tight!!! VICTORIA!!!! HELP ME!!! STOP I-

*the sound of Miss St. Sinclair passing out*
*the sound of vines tapping the microphone*
*the sound of microphone static*

- 3/2/2015 9:28am

Pardon me!
In my excitement, I believe I accidentally wrote my last entry with a grammatical error.
The sentence: "Victoria thought her journals about the incredible hotness of Arnold Wingsbury." is incomplete and should have been expanded to read: "Victoria thought her journals about the incredible hotness of Arnold Wingsbury were far more interesting and better than my journals. But that's her opinion."
Keep a watchful eye, my Psychic brothers and sisters! I hate to find errors in anything, be it data sets or journal entries. Precision is key!

- 3/2/2015 9:23am

Journal, journal, journal!
After lunch today, I was on my bed reading a scholarly article concerning botanical rights (a cause which is tragically misunderstood by many in today's society) when Victoria walked through the door, and she stared at me like this and her eyes glowed bright blue.
"What's wrong?" I asked, putting down the article. Victoria scowled.
"I'd think you, of all people, would have heard by now..." she grumbled.
I blinked. "Heard what?"
"Your dumb little experiment log about your stupid, useless plant was nominated Story of the Month!" Victoria yelled. The blue glow in her eyes was almost blinding, and I averted my gaze.
I was so surprised, dearest journal, that I fell off my bed! Can you believe it? You, me, and Seymour have made it to Story of the Month! Victoria thought her journals about the incredible hotness of Arnold Wingsbury.Remember him? He's the bloke who sits next to her in Hieroglyphics. I think he's an athlete, but I'm not quite sure. I'm much too busy with Seymour and my other experiments to meddle in the tedious world of the male species.
I feel so, so, honoured. Learning here at Psyhigh has been an amazing experience, and I believe that the experiments I am conducting will benefit not only psychics, but all of mankind and monsterkind.
Oh, what an excellent way to kick off the month of March!
As Spring begins to creep closer and melt the snow away with a warm breeze, my impatient heart grows ever so eager to catalog the new flowers in the courtyard. Maybe I can get seeds from Seymour and see how the plants react....
Yours as the stars shine,
Jade St. Sinclair

- 2/20/2015 6:26am

Dear Journal,
This morning, as I was about to leave my room, I noticed that Seymour's vines were curled around a flat rectangle. I picked it up, and it was a vinyl record of the Beatles' Abbey Road! Seymour truly does have excellent taste in music. But where did he get it? I've noticed that the vines are crawling up the ceiling like ivy (but stand with no need for a trellis) and through the floor too. What are they doing? What is Seymour up to?
Victoria tried to manipulate some poor chap into snogging her during lunch. It was the funniest thing I had seen all day, but then Dr. Woffordshire dragged her to go see the Spongiform Unimind. Poor Victoria. She is quite alright now, though, quite alright! She's started a collection of pruning shears now. What an interesting hobby!
It's been a week since I started my experiments, and the data collection has been EXPONENTIAL to say the least. I think I've made a remarkable breakthrough here, journal! On Monday, I shall submit the completed analysis and graphs that I compiled, and then.... and then...
What happens then?
Yours till the sky falls,
Jade St. Sinclair

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