Briar Rose

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12/22/2016 8:54pm

This morning when I woke up, three different sections my hair were tied to the rods on my headboard. Usually I would attribute this to either my prankster roommates or some mischievous spirit, but on the ceiling above my bed, a pagan cursed symbol was scrawled in blood I can only hope isn't human. Then, as I was eating my daily serving of elderberry cereal, the milk spontaneously curdled! In making a new bowl, I discovered a hexbag buried in the box.

These two occurrences combined prompted me to search my dorm. Overall, I found seventeen hexbags, a splash potion placed precariously on top of my door, twelve various symbols associated with witchcraft, a handful of a suspicious powder, and a voodoo doll in my likeness completely covered in pins. I understand the pressure of the upcoming Witch Workshop exams, but this is getting ridiculous. I am willing to be the "victim" of someone's study habits, but not unless we discuss it beforehand.

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Using the World Trees
12/7/2016 2:57pm

It has come to my attention that my last journal post was accidentally repeated. I apologize; ever since my accident with the World Trees, it's been even harder than usual to separate reality from my hallucinations. I find myself saying important things twice or more, as I'm not sure if I ever really spoke out loud at first. Although I've come to terms with the constant symphony of ghostly whispers, I have yet to drown out the screeching voice of old Mae Louise Cunningham, the non-psychically gifted woman whose soul I presumably absorbed when I shattered her corresponding receiver stone.

After being released from the infirmary, I completed my Mundane Studies report by use of the Internet (from the very same computer that once entrapped me, no less) and found that she is an extremely orthodox Catholic. Any psychic or magical aspect of my life is, in her mind, equated to witchcraft and deems me hopelessly condemned. Her reactions range anywhere from disgust to rage and even fear, and I hear the whole spectrum daily.

If anyone has any idea of how to reverse my condition, PLEASE contact me immediately; if not for my own sake, than to restore her soul back to her own body. there is no telling what a borderline insane woman would do without a soul or conscience to hinder her.

The House of Pie and Chocolate Syrup
11/29/2016 3:07pm

Sadly, there is not much us students can do to spare the prisoners locked in the fairy realm, but there are a few minor projects we could pursue. Although I am not an expert on the subject of this species, I do know they tend to become deeply infatuated with objects that glitter, shine, or glint in the sun. If we held a collection of these objects, we may be able to offer a trade of sorts, or at least make them more willing to listen to our pleas. Almost any offering would be acceptable: tinfoil, diamond jewelry, rhinestones, pots, sunglasses, and even extra teeth fillings!

It would also be helpful for anyone who has had prior interactions with either fairies or their magic (or just knowledge on the subject) to offer their suggestions. It is hard to see the prisoners recount their hallucinations on their journals, especially because I am unable to help them much. If we band together, I am sure we can bring them back to PsyHigh before they are too far gone.

The House of Pie and Chocolate Syrup
11/27/2016 11:51am

Waiting for legal intervention could take time that those imprisoned may not have. The fairy world is so different from our dimension that non-fairy folk have to adapt, both physically and mentally, to their new conditions. For example, food in this realm is digested very quickly and contains few nutrients, allowing fairies to eat large amounts of their favorite meals with little consequence. Readjusting to normal foods so quickly after adapting their digestive systems could have adverse affects such as uncontrollable vomiting and, in rare cases, a metabolism so fast that one could barely eat fast enough to sustain their body's needs.

Additionally, the charming nature of fairies leads prisoners to mistake abuse for kindness, severely altering their love maps (interpretation of both positive and negative individuals). Aside from the obvious emotional damage this sparks, it could also cause the power of any psychic abilities to increase exponentially while in turn decreasing the amount of control the affected individual has over his or her abilities.

Actions must be taken, and fast, to ensure the safe return and rehabilitation of the prisoners trapped in the fairy world. Although I acknowledge that this must be handled diplomatically, more direct efforts to rescue these individuals are necessary. My the wellbeing of my fellow students of PsyHigh should come before any other concerns, as their safety is vital.

Using the World Trees
11/7/2016 6:57pm

I used the World Trees to complete my project in Mundane Studies class in which I was required to map the psychic interactions a certain "normal" person, specifically Mae Louise Cunningham, has unknowingly experienced in her life. The system was surprisingly easy to use, but I unfortunately dropped Mae Louise's receiver stone before I could complete the transaction. It shattered on impact and released a green, shimmering gaseous substance that swirled around the room and made an eerie whistling sound. Before it completely dispersed, I inhaled a portion of the gas and have felt strange and detached ever since the incident.

Normally I wouldn't be concerned, but on occasion it feels like I have no control over my actions, leaving me powerless for moments at a time. Although having visions is nothing new for me, the ones I have been experiencing lately are completely different and seem to carry to meaning; they seem more like foreign memories rather than prophecies or simple hallucinations. Is this just a phase in the development of my psychic ability, or something more?

11/2/2016 8:20pm

Don't worry, @Melody Chimes, all of the spirits at PsyHigh are harmless, though they can be agitating at times. This particular ghost is probably only seeking your companionship, so not protective chanting is necessary! In order to communicate and hopefully come to an understanding, you must retract into your mind and completely abandon reality (the first time is always the hardest, but now I can even do it unintentionally, usually at the worst of times), a state which is most easily achieved in a sensory deprivation tank. However, lighting a few cinnamon candles and closing your eyes will also do the trick. This will open you to the spirit world, and advantage for both gossip and developing psychic abilities. Good luck!

Help with Self-Help (or, Defeating the Purpose)
11/2/2016 8:10pm

Finally, I have found my way back to the non-virtual world; it seems computers aren't really my thing, so I must find another way to secure the Mindscape and its secrets. I have placed all of the warding I can at my current level of mystic strength upon it, but I am still seeking new sources of protection to apply.

Unfortunately, my fears of this knowledge wreaking havoc upon our dimension seem to have been realized; the "Self Help" book @Georg Potookig and @Harper Hiraeth have come into contact with could possibly have been stolen from one of the tree shelves in the Mindscape. I am currently trying to gain access in order to see if any books are missing, but all of the spells I have cast make it difficult for even me to enter.

If this book is really what I think it is, it may have "latched" onto one or both of you, @Georg Potookig and @Harper Hiraeth, which could hold dangerous connotations. Whether the latch was initiated my the thief or the original spirit, uncontrollable rotting could be but one of the eventual side effects, so be on the look out for any seemingly prophetic hallucinations, dizzy spells, or any other odd sensations. Also, I would try to decipher whatever words were scratched out on the book; they might be essential to understanding this whole situation.

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10/30/2016 9:01pm

<Well> "shit", :this: {didn't} :go: >as< :planned:. "I'm" {guessing} {the} >combination< <of> >the< <unstable> \power/ >grid< {on} /campus\ "and" <my> :lack: "of" <control> (over) [my] <powers> [got] /me\ >into< <this> {situation}. "Only" >what< :situation: :would: [that] >be<? [I] "don't" `know` >where< "I" "am", `mostly` :because: "I'm" <blinded> [by] "the" \alternating/ >1's< [and] >0's< <that> {are} <flashing> <before> `my` >eyes<.

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10/30/2016 8:54pm

Even though everyone has access to this place, not many know how to unlock it. The secret on how to expand the horizons of the mind to reach it has been in my family for generations, and we keep it well guarded, as the Life Books belonging to some of the more powerful spirits contain dangerous and often dark forms of magic and power. For this reason, I am understandably wary of the recent break-ins; if in the wrong hands, the knowledge hidden in the Mindscape could cause catastrophic damage.

For the time being, I think it would be wise to increase the general security protecting the place. As I am not nearly powerful enough to perform magic or cast a psychic ward while within the Mindscape, I will have to rely on those damn computers to electronically create a defense system. Wish me luck!

The Dapper Skeleton
10/30/2016 10:29am

I am slightly wary of the combined power of The Elegant One and the Body Movements Club at the dance tomorrow. On one hand, if he decides to compete in the dancing contest and is angered if he looses to the skills those who follow The Catalog of Body Movements possess, he could raise his skeleton army and subsequently ruin the newly waxed dance floor and scare a few students into fear-induced comas. On the other hand, if The Elegant One is understandably mesmerized by the strange dance moves and decides to join in, we could have a rip in the veil between our two worlds!

Of course, I don't want these potential disasters to disturb our fun, so I've been planning tactics to combat any negative consequences. So far, I've come up with charming the dance floor with an unbreakable rune and brewing extra revival potions (an ancient recipe consisting of mothballs soaked in ectoplasm, three cat whiskers, wolfsbane extract, and cinnamon). Any other ideas? I'd hate for the two dimensions to fuse and begin to crack under immense pressure.

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